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Archdiocese of Oklahoma City
Parents As Partners Memorandum of Understanding

As partners in the educational process at Christ the King Catholic School, we the guardians of ___Name(s) will be added below___, understand that this agreement must be signed prior to beginning school at Christ the King Catholic School and we agree to the following statements:

(Guardians/Parents please initial each statement below)

  1. AFFIRMATION OF MISSION STATEMENT: I understand and agree to support the mission statement, philosophy, and religious and educational goals of the school and Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. I also agree to support the Principal and Faculty in pursuing this mission.

  2. FAITH FORMATION: In order to continue to receive the Catholic rate of tuition, I will attend Mass on a regular basis and teach the Catholic faith by word and example (Catholic families) or I will support the teachings of the Catholic faith as part of our child’s education (non-Catholic/ non practicing Catholic families).

  3. PROMPTNESS, ATTENDANCE, AND UNIFORM DRESS CODE: I agree to send our child to school on time, rested, clean, well-fed, and in the proper school uniform. Students will dress for school and sports according to their biological sex.

  4. DISCIPLINE AND ACADEMIC WORK: I acknowledge that my child will follow the classroom and school rules. Each child is responsible for his/her own attitude and actions to initiate good behavior and learning.  Additionally, my child and I are committed to academic work, homework, daily class assignments, and maintaining continual academic growth

  5. TECHNOLOGY USAGE: I understand the school provides internet access via Chromebooks, iPads, and desktop computers.         Use of electronic resources shall be consistent with the purpose, mission, and goals of the school and only for the                       educational and professional purposes of the registered student. Students and parents agree to the technology policies.

  6. SOCIAL MEDIA USAGE: I understand that social media postings by either students or parents that could be considered defaming or slanderous toward a student, family, pastor or chaplain, faculty member, or the school are not allowed. Our family will respect proper social media protocols in order to avoid potential disciplinary action or separation from school.

  7. COMMITMENT OF INVOLVEMENT: I acknowledge and affirm that parental involvement in a child’s education is of primary importance.  The role of parents/guardians is to reinforce and assist the teacher in faith formation, academics, and social/emotional learning in the classroom and at home. I will actively participate in school activities and find ways to volunteer to assist the school.

  8.  CHRISTIAN ANTHROPOLGY: I understand that in accord with this sexual identity policy, school personnel will address students by the name with which the student is registered (or its common derivative) and pronouns correlating to the student’s sexual identity based on biological sex from conception. All other policies at this school will reflect the teaching of the Catholic Church concerning sexual identity. 

  9. COMMUNICATION: I understand the communication between the school and families is a critical element of the parental/school partnership. I will read school notes, newsletters, and emails, and complete the necessary forms. I will attend parent-teacher conferences and meet with the teacher upon request. Communication will be respectful between parties.

  10. CONTACT: I will notify the office of any changes of address or phone numbers and will keep email addresses current.  I will notify the school office with a written note, email, or phone call if the student will be absent or tardy. I will inform the school of any special situation regarding the student’s well-being, safety, and/or health.

  11. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS: I understand that this is a school of choice and tuition, and parish tithing are what make my child’s education possible. I will meet all financial obligations in a timely manner and understand that lack of meeting said obligations could terminate my child’s enrollment if extenuating circumstances do not exist.  

  12. HEALTH: I will adhere to the school’s directives regarding mitigation, quarantine, and related protocols surrounding health concerns should further processes and procedures be needed in the upcoming year.

Christ the King Catholic School looks forward to this partnership during the upcoming school year.

I acknowledge that my child and I have received access to the current Parent/Student Handbook and are also
looking forward to a great year. I will read and comply with the policies contained therein. I understand that
failure to uphold the standards and policies of Christ the King Catholic School by either the students or the parents
may result in disciplinary actions or separation from the school.

Thank you your form was submitted!

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1905 Elmhurst Ave.

Oklahoma City, OK 73120

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