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Handbook/Code of Conduct/Media Waiver

Handbook/Code of Conduct/Media Waiver

I/we the undersigned have received a copy of the Parent-Student Handbook and agree to abide by its provisions as well as the Christ the King Catholic School Code of Conduct including any consequences imposed for failure to comply with said code. In addition, I give my permission for my child(ren) listed below to be photographed or videotaped at Christ the King School. I realize that the photo may be published in the newspaper, a magazine, the school website, the CK News, social media such as Facebook, or any other publication. The photo may be used for informational or educational purposes regarding the programs/curriculum at Christ the King Christ School.


Permission for photos and/or videotaping of my child(ren) to be used

Thanks for submitting the Handbook/Code of Conduct/Media Waiver!

This form no longer accepts submissions.

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1905 Elmhurst Ave.

Oklahoma City, OK 73120

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