Distinguished Alumni
One of the best parts of our school community is our valued alumni!

It is with great pleasure that we announce the Christ the King Distinguished Graduate Award Recipient for 2025:
Mary Kempf Pinzon!
Mary is a 1966 graduate of Christ the King School and continues to share her gifts of time, talent, and treasure with the parish community. She graduated from John Marshall High School in 1970 and then attended Oklahoma State University where she received her Bachelor of Arts degree. She continued her academic journey at Austin Peay State University for Nursing, and then received a master’s at University of Central Oklahoma. Mary and her husband, Dr. Pablo Pinzon, have three grown children, Pablo Pinzon, Juan Pinzon and Scott Fletcher. They also have one grandchild, Pablo Pinzon.
Mary has been very active in the Christ the King community for years helping in all different ways. She served as the parish nurse for many years beginning in the early 1990s and served in the Parish Health Ministry, which no longer exists. She has been on the Parish Council twice, once under the leadership of Father Gerald Mayfield and then again under the leadership of Father Rick Stansberry and Fr. Rex Arnold. In recent years she has been involved in the Afghan Refugee project, the Sanctuary Women’s Development Center, ACTS, the Homeless Alliance as a representative of Christ the King Parish, and is the first to say yes (after prayerful consideration) when called to do something for Christ the King. She is currently a Eucharistic Minister and has been for many years. She is also a lector for Mass. Mary was instrumental in planning the wonderful Legacy Reception this past June in recognition of so many of the families that have been part of Christ the King for the past 75 years.
Outside of Christ the King, Mary continues to share her time and talents with others. She has worked with the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Operations Stroke where she was head of community education. She has sewn hundreds of cooling neck ties for US troops who were deployed to very hot areas in Iraq and then Afghanistan in the HUGS PROJECT. She has also used her sewing skills to sew tiny quilts for newly pregnant ladies for Willow Pregnancy Center. Mary has worked on numerous Habitat for Humanity homes and volunteered at the Olivet Baptist Free Clinic.
Mary’s contributions of time, talent and treasure have made a positive impact in the Christ the King community as well as the larger community. She has put her faith into action through her service to others.
Mary Pinzon has modeled for all of us how we should live out the CK School motto, recognizing “Everybody is somebody and ALL live for God.” We are blessed that she is part of the Christ the King family.
Mary will be honored at the 10:00 Mass on Sunday, January 26th. We hope you can join us as we recognize her as the 2025 Distinguished Graduate Award Recipient. A reception will be held in the atrium after Mass.